Broken Children

The study entails your experience in PE, when you were compelled against your will to play rugby in which you sustained an injury. The study is also keen on the impact this injury has had on your life; when the injury happened, how it happened, the immediate/short term effects this had on your life and the long-term implication it has had till this current day.

Consent: Your participation in this research project is completely voluntary and as such you have the right to withdraw from the study at any time without reason. If you would like to participate in above project, please complete the consent from attached. If at any time you wish to withdraw from the study, you can do so by contacting the interviewer, or the principal researcher (below), via any methods, on the details below. If you do withdraw your data will be posted to you or destroyed.

Procedure: This study will involve a short audio recorded interview/questionnaire that can be conducted in person or over the telephone. A CES-D scale will also be completed which can be conducted over the phone or electronically.

Confidentiality: All information and data received will be kept strictly confidential with only members of the research team having access. Data will be kept securely and for a maximum period of three months. No participants will be identifiable, any usage of your data will be anonymised with pseudonyms. 

Complaints: If you have any complaints or concerns, please contact the Principal Researcher on the details below. 

If you have any questions, concerns or would like some further information, please do ask. I hope you will agree to partake in this project. 

If you would like to participate, please complete the form below. If you have any questions, please contact the research team here

Research team: Professor Eric Anderson & Connor Humphries 

Consent form

Please confirm :

"Protect children, remove contact"